LONDON: British Moroccan actress Laila Rouass has launched a UK-based platform to promote happiness and well-being and help people achieve a more balanced life.
“After years of disliking my body and not feeling fulfilled or even happy, I realized that I, and only I, could make the emotional change needed,” she said.
Rouass has been working to launch WholeAndThenSome over the past two years.
“That’s what I have worked on over the last couple of years … reframing what happiness means to me,” she said, adding: “I believe we can all reframe our life so that we pull from it what feeds us most.”
Last year, Rouass completed a Yale University course that delved into the science of happiness, and says most of what she talks about is research based.
“Once you discover the science to your well-being, life becomes infinitely more balanced and a lot less frightening.”
British Moroccan actress Laila Rouass launched WholeAndThenSome two years ago that deals with the science of happiness and teaches self compassion. (Supplied/James Rudland)
Rouass added that the foundation to her teachings is self compassion, because “without compassion for oneself, self-abuse takes on a strength that becomes overwhelming and difficult to control.”
Rouass plans to hold talks and organize webinars and workshops to promote the concept regularly, the most recent of which was a self-compassion workshop, which was held on Sunday.