Dubai exhibition highlights artists Shada Safadi, Akram Al-Halabi’s latest work



The gallery describes this dual exhibition as a “visual journey into narratives in the Golan Heights that touch upon memory, myths and daily life.” The theme, “Mist,” runs throughout the two artist’s work: “A white aura envelops most of (them).” Al-Halabi’s pieces, like this one, are photographs of daily life that the artist has treated using colors, lines, and Arabic letters.

‘Mountain Flower 5’

Safadi, meanwhile, has treated the surfaces of her work with salt, creating a mist-like effect on them “as if she is projecting her subjects through the clouds of memory.” Her images are inspired by childhood memories and “deeply rooted beliefs.”


This piece by Al-Halabi, created this year, is typical of the monochrome colors both artists have favored for this exhibition, which is, the gallery says, “a reflection of a time that is slowly passing in a familiar place beset with contradictions, some of which are imposed as a result of occupation and the prevailing political situation.”