COVID-19: Oman to start issuing tourist visas


Dubai: A decision has been taken on Monday by the Supreme Committee to deal with COVID-19 to allow the issuance of tourist visas to enter the Sultanate.

A statement issued online by Oman News Agency (ONA) said, ”The Supreme committee decided to allow the issuance of tourist visas to enter the Sultanate, provided that the arrival of tourists is within the framework of tourist groups organised by hotels and tourism companies.”

The statement added, ”The Supreme Committee also decided to terminate the work with a decision to reduce the number of employees who are required to come to the workplace in the units of the state’s administrative apparatus and other public legal persons, starting from Sunday, 6th December 2000.”

“The supreme Committee calls for the necessity for all parties to continue to take precautionary and preventive measures necessary to prevent the spread of the disease, and to follow up on commitment everybody out.”

“The committee also decided to reopen a new package of commercial and industrial activities, with the necessity for those activities to adhere to the necessary preventive controls, and the competent authorities will announce the details of those activities,” the statement added.